Mapping is a great way to build community. Your community! And the Mapping Centre is a great place to volunteer your time and effort to keep communities on the path towards sustainability. You'll learn lots and take away skills and a network that you'll use long after you're done at UVic.
We have ~101 projects underway - all of them exciting! Please contact the Mapping Centre lead, Ken Josephson, to see how you can help out. It is easiest to contact Ken via email at: You are also always welcome to stick your head into the Mapping Centre - Social Science & Mathematics Building B209.
Below is a list of general tasks that we often need help with. Explore our "Job" Postingslist to the left to see where we currently need assistance.
- Mapping: add new map sites to the UVic Community Green Map or the Greater Victoria Community Green Map
- Graphics: help us out designing new icons
- Engagement: learn how to lead mapping sessions by volunteering to help us as we go out into communities
- Cartography: help us out laying out new maps for folks on campus and around the Capital Regional District