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A few links and resources shared with Jennifer Mateer's Space and Power class, GEOG 404, fall 2018
Beyond Manahatta
The Welikia Project creates a virtual reality of pre-1600 Manhattan
An Indigenous future for Toronto
Nature reclaims the city in director Lisa Jackson's room-scale VR experience
Reimagining Attawapiskat
Youth driven stories of what life is like
Kyle Plant 2012
Quimper's Expedition of The Strait of Juan de Fuca
Acts of Possession
On This Spot a new way to experience history
On this spot
The Many Perspectives of Tod Inlet (SṈIDȻEȽ)
by Heather Scott
The Provincial Court of British Columbia
Intent City, Victoria BC, March 2016
Fernwood Community Green Map
daylighting of Rock Bay Creek
Landscapes of Injustice
displacement and dispossession of Japanese Canadians
UVic historical cartographic collections
Colonial Despatches
transcriptionsofcomplete correspondence between the British colonial authorities and successive governors of Vancouver Island and British Columbia colonies
Shorelife Victoria
Reflections of life by the sea in Beautiful Victoria BC