One of the community green maps that accompany the regional green map, the Hillside Quadra Community Map highlights social and ecological assets in this Victoria neighbourhood.
The first edition of the HQCM was published in May, 2003 by GroundWorks in association with the Promoting Action Toward Health (PATH) project. A new edition will be published in 2005, highlighting greenways in the neighbourhood.
Compiled by local residents and produced by the GroundWorks Learning Centre for the PATH (Promoting Action Toward Health) project using icons from the international Green Map System.
This map highlights valued assets in three communities in the Hillside Quadra area of Victoria and Saanich. These assets are broken down under four categories - Greenspaces and Recreation, Cultural and Heritage Sites, Organizations and Community Services, and Health and Wellness Resources - and are based on the everyday use and views of many local residents.* It is by no means exhaustive as there is a rich and diverse array of sites and services in this area. PATH plans to update the map in the future so if you would like to add or change sites contact PATH. This project also includes a 40-map Hillside Quadra Community Health Atlas, available at PATH.
The Green Map icons used are part of the Green Map System used by over 150 cities and regions worldwide to document and encourage healthy, sustainable communities.
The sites included here were identified by local residents through a series of focus groups and events held in 2003 and a community map survey. We also looked at sites identified in a PATH community survey of over 900 residents. For more information on local services see the Hillside Quadra Community Health Atlas Project partners:
* Hillside Quadra Neighborhood Action Group
c/o 901 Kings Road
Victoria BC V8T 1W5
* Quadra Cedar Hill Community Association
* North Park Neighbourhood Association
#185--991 Yates St.
Mail Box #661
Victoria, BC V8V 4Y9
* Blanshard Community Centre 901 Kings Rd.
Victoria, BC V8T 1W5
Map produced November, 2003 by GroundWorks - a project of LifeCycles. GroundWorks offers learning resources, community planning and mapping programs, and services to facilitate local and global sustainability and healthy community development.
Map sponsored by Promoting Action Toward Health (PATH). PATH is located at the back entrance to Blanshard Community Centre, 901 Kings Road. For more information or to get involved, call 388-7696.
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