Mapping Links researched & compiled by Wendy Anthony
To add or modify links, please contact wanthony at
Page Updated 7 Sep 2016
URL check: 15 Aug 2016
To add or modify links, please contact wanthony at
Page Updated 7 Sep 2016
URL check: 15 Aug 2016
Community Mapping
Arctic Bay Spoken Map
"Hear the names of over 300 traditional Nunavut place names"; interactive maps with text, images, sound; pdf maps -
Barefoot Mapping Guidebook
Beacon Hill Park Ecosystems Map
Chief Kerry's Moose: A Guidebook to Land Use and Occupancy Mapping, Research Design
City Of Memory - NY
Colwood Green Map
Common Ground Project Flickr Photos
Community Mapping Network BC
Community Walk
create personal interactive map, using Google Maps technology; show on website, add photos, comments, links, etc; Tutorials; Forum -
Doing Protagonism & Do-gooder Maps
pdf documents available for download:
Good Patterns in Participatory Function: "A reappraisal of participatory map methods" (59 pg; 2Mb); Toolbox & Manual: Mapping the Vulnerability of Communities: example from Buzi, Mozambique (37 pg; 4.5Mb); MapAction Field Guide To Humanitarian Mapping using GIS (118 pg; 3.3Mb) -
Green Atlas Maps
Green Map
charting community green living, natural, cultural and civic resources from around the world; YouTube Channel -
Green Maps Icons
Internet Mapping Projects
Center For Applied Research & Environmental Systems (CARES): Global Forest Watch, Smithsonian Conservation Atlas, Community Issues Management -
Living Atlas of Nuu_chah_nulth
Maeve Lydon's Thesis
"(Re)Presenting the Living Landscape: Exploring Community Mapping as a Tool for Transformative Learning and Planning"; 83 page Word document; 400 KB; 1985 -
Open Green Map
a global locally-led, community mapping projects interactive mapmaking tool; Official Launch June 5 2009; Maps -
Participatory Avenues: The Gateway To Community Mapping
Participatory Map-Making
Participatory Map-Making to Connect Citizens and Decision Makers -
UVic Community Green Map
interactive maps; UVic Green Maps: Health & Wellness; Transportation & Travel; ES 341 - Ecological Restoration -
Victoria Youth Core Community Maps
launched 27 Mar 2009; pocket map folds into credit-card size -
Voices on the Land - Okanagan Nation
Interactive community atlas
Concept Maps
Concept Maps - How To Construct
Concept Maps - Wikipedia
Concept Map Theory & Construction
Create Concept Map with Excel Worksheet
Mind Maps - Wikipedia
Text 2 Mind Map
Type text in Outline form, using Tab, convert to online mindmap -
VUE: Visual Understanding Environment
free, open source software; "a visual environment for structuring, presenting, and sharing digital information"; "for integrating digital resources into teaching and learning"; Windows Download (need to register first); Mac Download; User Guide; Features Video; VUE Project on YouTube: #1, #2; YouTube Videos; Resources; Blog; Forum; Wikipedia; Seminar; Applet: Online VUE; Reviews: #1; #2; Wendy's Guide: How To Create VUE Concept Maps; Example Concept Map: Victoria Community Mapping Network
Google Maps & Customizing On-Line Maps
Google Earth
Maps & satellite images, including outer space galaxies, ocean floors & historic imagery; download free viewer; Forum; User Guide -
Google Maps
Google Maps API Concepts
Google Maps API allows you to embed Google Maps in your web pages; need an API key; JavaScript API -
Google Maps API Group
Google Maps Help Forum
Archives -
Google Maps Icons Tutorial
links to Google Earth Icons -
Google Maps User Guide
Interactive Polyline Encoder Utility
interactive utility to compute the encoding for a google maps polyline & minimum zoom levell -
Map Envelope
print mail envelopes lined with google map location & message; enter location, customize message, print envelope template -
Mapping Photos With Picasa Web Albums
Designing and Creating Earth Science Lessons with Google Earth
Digital Explorer pdf files: Using Google Earth; Advanced Virtual Fieldwork; School Grounds Projects Using Google Tools
Historic Maps
Atlas of Ancient and Classical Geography 1908
Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land
Historical Cartography of Europe
Historical Maps
Historic Cities
Lewis & Clarke Expedition GIS
"visual voyage of discovery"; pre-expedition maps, early 1800's; Lewis' original 1814 expedition routes map; first complete Government Land Office surveys, late 1800's; 1970 National Atlas, & satellite imagery; GIS Viewer allows on-line interaction; includes geospatial data from NASA, USGS, ESRI and GCS Research -
Maps ETC
Historic maps for students & teachers -
Panoramic Maps - Cities of US & Canada 1847-1929
Bird's-eye views; Geographic Location Index -
Victoria, BC - Panoramic Maps 1860 - 1889
Bird's-eye views -
World Digital Library
"significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world"; "cultural treasures include, but are not limited to, manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, and architectural drawings"
Maps & Mapping
ArcGIS Explorer Application Software
free download; access online GIS content and capabilities; combine local data with ArcGIS Server; perform GIS analysis; manage, edit & analyze data; create custom maps; Support Forum -
Atlas Of Canada
Environment; People & Society; Economy; History; Climate Change; Freshwater; Health; Reference Maps; Map Archives; Topographic Maps -
Cartographic Communication
Color Brewer 2.0 (Added 7 May 09)
Select good colour schemes for maps; needs Flash plug-in; Color Brewer v.1.0; Instructions -
Colour Landform Atlas of USA
Customized Canadian Topo Maps
Build your map to send for printing -
DIY Cartography
"Resources and Ideas for Making Maps" -
Dymaxion Projection Map Animation
Dymaxion Projection - Buckymap Puzzle Home
Buckymap Puzzle -
Dymaxion Projection Map - Buckminster Fuller
Life Books: Dymaxion World -
Dymaxion Map Evolution: An Illustrated Tour and Critique
Environment Canada Weather Office Satellite Images
ESRI ArcNews Online
"for ESRI user community and others interested in mapping & GIS technology" -
ESRI Canada
Geographic Information Systems; Canada Map Gallery -
Archaeology & Culture; Demographic, Health & Social; Fish, Wildlife & Plants; Forest, Grasslands & Wetlands; Fresh Water & Marine; Land Ownership & Status; Land Use Plans; Mining & Petroleum; Parks, Recreation & Tourism -
Geographical Names of Canada
GIS Geographical Informations Systems Wikipedia
GIS - Guide To Geographical Informations Systems
Canadian Mapping Resources -
Global Forest Watch
GPS For Emergencies
"A short guide for humanitarian field workers on collecting data using GPS" -
Harvard Digital Map Collection
iMap BC
"spatial viewing access to over 100 datasets from many different agencies"; use Markup tools to add lines and text; Quick Reference Guide (pdf) -
Infrared World Satellite Animation
Map Projection Overview
Table Of Contents -
Ontario Maps & Geographic Info
PPGIS - Participatory GIS
"geo-spatial information management tools and methods such as sketch maps, Participatory 3D Models (P3DM), aerial photographs, satellite imagery, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to represent peoples’ spatial knowledge in the forms of virtual or physical, 2 or 3 dimensional maps used as interactive vehicles for spatial learning, discussion, information exchange, analysis, decision making and advocacy -
Radical Cartography Projection Reference
wall maps of the world, maps of hemispheres & continents -
Rural Assistance Center Maps On Rural Topics
US data; Topics: Population Change, Poverty and Income Levels, Public Transportation, Education Levels, Disability Status, Childcare, Health Clinics & Centers -
Satellite Images
Strange Maps
Terra Server USA
USA; topo maps; can search by name or longtitude/latitude; Victoria area -
Upsidedown Map Page
USA Interactive Maps
Visible Earth
collection of NASA images
Geog 222 - Mapping & GIS
Azimuthal Map: Generate a Personal Map
Coordinate Systems & Map Projections
Degree Confluence Project
Visits to each latitude & longitude intersections -
Dymaxion / Fuller Projection Map
Animations; Puzzle -
Geoid & Gravity Anomaly Maps
iMap BC
Interrupted Map Projections
Magnetic Declination Calculator
Mapping Terminology
Map Projections
Map Projections Java Applet
Choose projection from drop-down list -
Mercator Projection
Principles of Aerial Photography
Saanich GIS Map Service
Interactive GIS Viewer -
Victoria CRD Regional Community Atlas
Working with GIS Data? Librarians can help with that
School of Information Studies, Syracuse University. Great list of open-source GIS software, inspiring GIS projects...