About Us

The Community Mapping Collaboratory (CMC), a joint university-community mapping initiative, is an innovative, physical and virtual space (led locally and connected globally) where universities, civic governments and communities come together to solve sustainability challenges. Physically, the products appear as digital and print maps answering community-generated research needs, but these are only a small part of the CMC's outcomes. By creating new spaces for citizen participation in research and planning for their communities, the CMC aims to enhance community cohesion and empowerment.

UVic Hubs

There are three CMC hubs at UVic: (1) the Mapping Lab in the Faculty of Social Sciences Geography Department, (2) the UVic Library, which offers map and data access and support, and (3) the Institute for Studies and Innovation in Community-University Engagement (ISICUE), which is responsible for project and programming support and partnership development.


The partnerships and relationships created, and resources compiled, over the past 13 years through the rich collaborative projects of Common Ground Community Mapping Network spawned the ad hoc community mapping office and resource space in the Department of Geography at UVic, which has now evolved into the Community Mapping Collaboratory. A number of community and university partners are interested in supporting and participating in the formalized CMC as well as a broader Common Ground Community Mapping Network.

Our Partners


Our Goal

The CMC's ultimate goal is to demonstrate the power of the partnerships it supports and improve the economic, environmental and social well-being of the region while acting as proving ground for a model that has international application.

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