“Rediscovering places to play on the Saanich peninsula”
The Peninsula Parks and Play Spaces Project is an initiative to increase awareness and use of parks and play spaces as local resources that can help foster the healthy development of young children (0-6 years) and their families. The project has two phases—community involvement processes that will result in development of an informational map of the parks and play spaces on the Saanich Peninsula and “Play Days in the Parks” scheduled for spring 2007.
Another of the community green maps that accompany the regional green map, the James Bay Community Map highlights social and ecological assets in this Victoria neighbourhood.
One of the community green maps that accompany the regional green map, the Hillside Quadra Community Map highlights social and ecological assets in this Victoria neighbourhood.
The first edition of the HQCM was published in May, 2003 by GroundWorks in association with the Promoting Action Toward Health (PATH) project. A new edition will be published in 2005, highlighting greenways in the neighbourhood.