Objectives:To process the data from the Squamish seniors community mapping workshop and create a paper map. The map will be designed to fit on a tabloid (11" x 17") sheet of paper. It will be monochromatic and double sided.
Update May 2010: Geog391 Community Mapping Course students had a field trip to collect theme-based photos to start adding photos to an interactive web-map & photo blog. Wendy Anthony has chosen as her research project to document the steps involved ... keep tuned ...
We started a Photo Blogging site & teaser Interactive WebMap site for them
Update: We're meeting with the Woodwynn folk in early July 2009 to talk about a web-map / photo blogging project. STUDENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
In the summer of 2007, the Communities-based Research Laboratory (CBRL) at the University of Victoria conducted a participatory-based livelihood assessment of the binning community in Victoria, an initiative in collaboration with the University of British Columbia and funded by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC).
Michael Cowan of Edibella Organic Landscapes holds workshops on Organic Fruit Tree Care and Maintenance for LifeCycles. Here Micheal is discussing good places to plant fruit tree and berry bush varietals at the Tsartlip First Nation lands. CG helped with some community mapping support for this project.