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Vancouver Island Coastal Communities Indigenous Food Network
Youth Forum - Traditional Foods - Digital Storytelling by Nuu-chah-nulth Youth and Elders
a workshop held at the University of Victoria, May 12-13, 2010
"Storytelling is the way we have communicated since our earliest ancestors gathered around a fire. The stories and anecdotes we share with one another are the way we let each other know who we are, where we come from, where we are going and, most importantly, what we care about." - Dana Atchley
"Digital Storytelling is a modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid colour to characters, situations, experiences, and insights. Tell your story now digitally." - Leslie Rule, Digital Storytelling Association
Over the past 100 years, Nuu-chah-nulth people have lost access to traditional foods and the healthy lifestyle these afford. Whereas in the past, all social and traditional activities centred on food, the current situation leans towards individual isolation and a diet that promotes acute and chronic disease. Elders in Nuu-chah-nulth communities hold a wealth of knowledge about traditional foods that have sustained our populations for generations. Click on the red icon to hear about the project and the orange icons to view videos created by participants during the digital storytelling workshop.