Date Started:
Date Completed:

Saturday March 24, 2012 9:30 am to 3 pm
Community mapping enables you to capture the power of place and to create collective visions and change. Worldwide, community-based mapping is used as an educational and planning tool for citizen engagement and sustainable development.
Taught by the coordinators of the UVic Community Mapping Initiative and Common Ground Network, this day-long, hands-on workshop is designed for people from all backgrounds and interests. The morning will cover community and green mapping tools, methods and stories, followed by an afternoon of hands-on learning opportunities, designing and developing your community mapping process, project and products.
Ken Josephson is a cartographer and graphic artist in UVic’s geography department. Community Green mapping and visioning, participatory design and community art engagement are current passions.
Maeve Lydon is an educator and community developer working with UVic's Office of Community Based Research. She is a founder of Common Ground and is on the International Advisory for the global Green Map System.
Here are a few images from Saturday's workshop. Great fun everyone!
It was a pleasure meeting all of you.
Here's a word cloud created with Tagxedo from our gifts, passions and planning game exercise.