SeaChange Annual General Meeting (2012)




Monday, January 30, 2012 - 7:00pm

SeaChange  Annual General Meeting
Central Saanich Cultural Centre, 
1209 Clarke Rd, Brentwood Bay

presentation by Dr. Colin Campbell, Science Advisor for Sierra Club BC, and author of  BLUE CARBON — BRITISH COLUMBIA: The Case for the Conservation and Enhancement of Estuarine Processes and Sediments in BC

SeaChange has been working with the Sierra Club for the last year on educating the world about the importance of eelgrass in sequestering  carbon from the atmosphere. Colin’s talk will be very informative, entertaining and engaging.

Please join us as we celebrate our 13 years of conservation of the coast. We will elect our Board of Directors and bring you up to date with what SeaChange plans for the coming year.
Please RSVP by Jan. 27th so we will know how much food (and cake!) to have for  you.

Thank you!
Nikki Wright, Executive Director
SeaChange Marine Conservation Society
(office) 250 652-1662  (cell) 250 415-5859


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